Layouts during the Convention

Ottawa is graced with many fine model railways, exhibiting a high level of scenic detail and operational excellence. These are a few that will open for viewing (more to come!)

Bill Meek: Ontario L'Orignal Railway (HO)

Bill "Sn3" Scobie: Rio Grande Southern (Sn3)

Brian Earl: Great Western (N)

Chris Lyon: Lyon Valley Northern (HO)

Dave Venables: St. Francis Valley Railroad (N) and British OO

Grant Knowles: Colorado & Southern RR(HOn3)

Michel Boucher: Delaware and Hudson Adirondack Branch (HO). Published several times in Railroad Model Craftsman

Mike Hamer: Boston & Maine - Western Route (HO). Published in Model Railroad Planning 2001 and Great Model Railroads 2004

Ron Newby: Clearwater Valley Railway (On30)