Convention Hotel - Prince Arthur Hotel
(Booking information listed below)
A History
Located at 17 North Cumberland Street, the hotel itself has an interesting history. Over a century ago, the idea for a Canadian National Railway Hotel came up during a poker game between several big players traveling in a private rail car to Winnipeg. John James Carrick (mayor of Port Arthur) and Sir William Mackenzie (president of the CPR) and Sir Donald Mann, wielded the cards around the table and bet on a winner when they made a deal resulting in the erection of the Prince Arthur Hotel in 1910.

The Prince Arthur Hotel officially opened March 14, 1911, $850,000 later. It was described as one of the best furnished and appointed hotels on the continent. Today, the Prince Arthur can be described as the only hotel in Thunder Bay that can offer a spectacular view of the Sleeping Giant. As tales of old are spun, one can enjoy the hotel’s recent updates. It’s newer interior meets the needs of its corporate and traveling clientele without compromising its century-old charm. We are committed in making every effort to ensure our guest’s stay is comfortable and relaxing.

Booking Accommodations at the Prince Arthur Hotel
Rooms at the convention rate of $90.00 Cdn. per night will be available until Monday, 15 September 2014. For information on the hotel see the website. To book rooms, call the hotel (Toll Free : 1-800-267-2675, Local : (807) 345-5411 and cite code number 184141 and CARM to obtain the convention rate.
Other Accommodations
A list of other accommodation will be listed here soon.