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What's New!

March 19, 2025

Spring is arriving in many regions of Canada right now with the usual mix of warmth, cold, sun, rain and snow. For many of us that means we are starting our spring cleaning and planning the next stages of our modelling railroading and during this time I recomend that you have a look at the latest issue, #91, of The Canadian, as it is ready in the members area to view and download.

Be sure to have a look at this issue of The Canadian for all of the features and articles. You can also check out all of the past issues in the members area.

Over the next few months you will some areas of the website being updated and I hope to see you soon at gatherings like shows and open houses, until then stay healthy and enjoy the hobby and friends.

David King

2023 Membership On-Line Form

Obtaining your membership, new or renewal, can be obtained by using this on-line form as this is the simplest way to show your support for the organization. If you need a printable membership form use this link, 2023 Membership PDF Form.

All payments for memberships that include funds please follow these guidelines. All amounts are in Canadian Dollars for residents of Canada. All residents outside of Canada are required to pay in $US. Here you have two choices as you can pay by PayPal™, this is the easiest, or mail us a cheque, Canadian or US only, to the address on the application form and listed below.

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Make a PayPal Payment Now
Payments are made to

Canadian Association Of Railway Modellers
2 Droxford Avenue
Scarborough, ON, M1R 1J9

Required Fields are marked by a Red Check Mark

New or Renewal Membership:



Membership Number (if known):

Required Personal Information:

First Name: Middle Initial:
Last Name:
Confirm Email:

Optional Personal Information: (required if ordering newsletter or calendar)

Province / State:
Postal Code / Zip:
Home Phone:
Cell Phone:

Modelling Interests

Scale (all that apply):
Gauge (all that apply):
Modelling & Prototype Interests:
Modelling & Prototype Groups:
I use the following Social Media accounts:
Facebook: Yes No
Linked In: Yes No
Twitter: Yes No
Additional Comments:

Privacy Policy

The Canadian Association of Railway Modellers (CARM) exists to further the hobby and interests of model railroading and to do so encourages and will assist in facilitating communication between members. However CARM recognizes that the information provided by the member/applicant includes information that may be considered confidential and that CARM will not make a member’s information available to third parties other than those with which CARM is associated. Member’s information will not be sold to any third party and e-mail lists are not distributed to third parties without member’s permission. All memberships are subject to review and membership may be removed at any time at the discretion of CARM without notice if the member is deemed abusive or acts/comments in a non-ethical way towards any member, CARM, or a third party.
Have you read and agreed with the Privacy Policy?:
Do you wish to be advised by e-mail of events and activities by CARM?:
Do you want your e-mail address made available to organizations that CARM may have relationships with?:
Do you agree to CARM sharing your e-mail address with other CARM members for the purpose of networking?:

Membership Categories




One Year - $36
One Year - $12
Three Year - $103
Three Year - $36
If you have selected either a General or Calendar Membership please select mthod of payment. If an error occurs where payment is required even though you picked an Internet membership select Paypay and remit no funds.
Membership Includes Printed Newsletter Printed Calendar Full Internet Access
Note 1: General members receive the quarterly, 4 per year of membership, newsletter The Canadian and a Calendar by mail.
Note 2: Calendars are distributed shortly before the end of the year prior to their currency and those joining after stocks have been exhausted will receive the calendar for the following year when it is distributed.
Note 3: An Internet membership is included with both a General membership or a Calender membership.


Form Password: Please enter the password mymembership.