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Prototype Archives

This is a new area for CARM members to access. In this area we would like to build a collection of images supplied by you, the members. If you have one image or many images that you would like to submit for use in this section the instructions and requirements for images are in the Submit Image(s) section below.

If the image or images are in a 35mm slide media we have a service where we can digitize the slide into a JPG format suitable for presentation here on the website. This is not an overnight service and will require you to send your slides to one of our members for scanning. CARM has purchased a scanner to use for this purpose and a few members will be trained on how to use it and how to save the images in a valid format for your webmaster add them to this page. Contact the webmaster to arrange for this service.

Images will be placed in this area.

Submit Image(s)

Be sure to include your first and last name, your membership number (if you know it), the image or images and a description for each image.

The images should be in JPG format saved as a high quality image with good clarity. The file should be at least 1mb in size and a maximum of 5mb in size. This will ensure that the full size image is large enough to contain fine details.

Included a description for each image up to a maximum length of 250 words. The descriptions should state some or all of the information that you think the viewer will want to know. Use your best judgement and we will try to limit any editing.

The button here is set up to use your mail program to send an email to the webmaster at "" with the subject line of "Images for Archive". If your mail program doesn't open use this email address and subject line.

Submit Image(s)